Just read this very accurate and concise article with perspective into Facebook's future strategy which made complete sense:
Facebookâs $100M purchase of Face.com would actually make sense | VentureBeat: http://venturebeat.com/2012/05/28/facebook-buying-face-com/#.T8SPOxwrnck.twitter
...and of course - all the comments are nothing but haters on FB.
Just posting this to say that the article was, imho, accurate and concise - and I agree with its analysis: FB is doing a good job. I personally hate this whole timeline thing, and being forced into new feature sets, but as a business they are doing a good job. The proof is undeniable.
The real reason this is an important topic to me is simply that - FB is a product for the masses which tries to provide solutions for the most sporadic and diverse of human activities in one unified experience. It's not possible to satisfy everyone, especially in this space - and that as well will of course be one of our primary issues with eKita.
Full well known ahead of time, I can assure you ;)