musings & critique about hi-tech, academia, building startups, and a journal to building eKita
...of how fragmented and rediculous the edu-tech market is.

This Professor just released an e-book on how to use all the various non-edu-tech built tools...for educational purposes.
His e-book outlines TWENTY (20) different tools, all of which (or - most of which) you've probably heard of or already use - and how to use them for your educational needs. Together. In Tandem. To get the minimal features of what you probably, actually, DO need.

Thats 20 different logins, 20 different sites, 20 fragmented different places storing your data and means of connections.

Its a damn good book too - thats the sad thing.
The more sad thing is that its actually dubbed "a minimalist approach". As in: You JUST need these 20 tools! Only 20! --- the world wont know what hit it when eKita comes out.



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