musings & critique about hi-tech, academia, building startups, and a journal to building eKita
Friday, July 6, 2012
Had a great day in Vienna today.
Was able to check out the new Technology University of Vienna (TU Wien) that is still mostly under construction.
Spoke with some administration people and they seem very eager for future driven platforms to run their academic content and classrooms on. eKita seems to be finding itself a new home everywhere it goes!

This day, however, was mostly devoted to simply enjoying one of Europe's finer cities.

First a video - found this abstract art structure just smacked down in the middle of one of their most historical squares. The square which marks the "liberation" of Austria (by the Russians) from Nazi rule. (Which was obviously only half liberation, and half conquering/looting).
Here's your wikipedia link to read up on it if interested.
Enjoy the video...(video unaltered - the sound effects are part of the art installation)

And of course...
Enjoy the pictures...


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